Strategic Plan 2016-2020
Strategic Plan 2016-2020
To be able to get a clear sense of direction, we were able to develop a strategic plan for 2016-2020 with the participation of the staff, grass root and board members with the help of a consultant. This was a two day workshop which took place in Nairobi at YMCA. The strategic plan will clarify our focus and help us better engage our local beneficiaries and stakeholders at the local and international levels. As we expect even better outcomes and bigger impact in the near future. The main focus will be GBV, reproductive health, economic empowerment and HFAW capacity building. In addition it will act as a blueprint for our engagement in projects, finance and governance processes.
Chile Training-Epes PE Training
Six of our staff have participated in EPES international school 2014 and 2016 in Chile to learn about Popular Education for purposes of capacity building our staff. EPES Popular Education critical consciousness raising Model which has previously been successfully used in Chile is the one we use to implement our activities.
Training on Global Women’s Leadership Network In California, USA
HFAW CEO was privileged to participate in the Global Women Leadership Network which offers transformative training titled “The Ripple Effect of Women leaders: From Local Impact to Global Change.” The training inspired direction for our CEO and helped her see the obstacles that impede the staff and stakeholders in achieving their potential. As a result, she came back with a new road map to steer the organization towards achieving its full potential and success. Following this training HFAW developed its first professional strategic plan to guide its activities.