About This Issue
The second edition of the Ability Magazine 2020
focuses on the second phase of Women of Hope Abled
Differently (WHAD) journey to financial
freedom/independence. In this issue, the reader will
be inspired by the resilience of the 24 women, who,
against all odds, launched a posho mill business as a
group. The issues provide individual testimonials from
the group members on the wins and lessons of
empowering women living with disabilities.
The Sustainable Development Goals are anchored on
equality for all. To live up to to the dream, there is an
urgent need to ensure that women/girls living with
disabilities participate in development and decision-making.
Ability Magazine showcases the power of
believing that every person can make a positive change
in the community. This project has been a success with
special support from the African Women
Development (AWDF).
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